Infant Lang Infant lang

The Esoteric Programming Language for Infants

Infant Lang provides the best developer experience for writing a program in an esoteric language with text highlighting, debugging tools, extensions, playground, sandbox and much more. No config needed
The Components Infant Lang has all the components you need to work efficiently with the Esoterism. Quickly.

The pointer is a number that points to the position of the arrow in the number line πŸ“Š

Documentation β†’

Store a number into memory for later use ⌚ No decimals. πŸ’€

Documentation β†’

The print prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device πŸ’»

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Infant lang supports basic arithmetic of integers, but throws error if a division returns a decimal πŸ’€

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The If

Do simple stuff πŸ¦† with the if. No else block to confuse the infants πŸ§’

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The For

The for statement lets you repeat a statement a specified number of times. Heard of single line for? Bet you haven’t 😏

Documentation β†’
And much more coming...

Support for environment variables, multi-line loops, simple concurrency, and more.

And more: Support for environment variables, multi-line loops, simple concurrency, and more.
But, even why? Read Case Study
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